Across the country, mortgage applications are declining.
The Mortgage Banker's Association reports on the change in the number of new applications (both purchases and refinances) each week. Applications declined 0.2% in the week ending 07/20/2018, after decreasing 2.5% the preceding week.
What does that mean?
It means there are a lot of hungry mortgage lenders out there! And many of them turn to gimmicks or "incentives" to get your business.
These are just a few that I've heard recently:
- A pizza party for buyers after the transaction closes. Hey, I love pizza as much as the next guy. But I'm not going to base my borrowing decisions on a pepperoni pizza and a bottle of soda.
- A loan officer who will pay borrowers $250(!!) if they bring in an estimate from another lender and allow this loan officer to provide a competing offer. I'm a big fan of negotiating for the best deal you can. I often tell borrowers to bring me their best competing offer and I'll see if we can beat it (we usually can). But I don't feel like I need to pay them for the privilege.
- Lenders who offer to send every. single. pre-approval. to underwriting. I believe this policy is meant to reassure REALTORS® and borrowers that the loan officer hasn't screwed up and the borrower is truly pre-approved. And certainly, sending every transaction to underwriting would leave a smaller margin for error. But it also seems like a huge waste of time and resources to me. I've worked in the mortgage industry for 17 years. I've literally closed thousands of mortgage loans in my career. I don't need an underwriter to tell me that someone with an 800 credit score, a 40% down payment, and a 20% debt ratio is qualified.
- Lenders who "guarantee" transactions will close in 14 days or they'll give the seller a $500 gift card. I always find it interesting that you only get something of value if the lender screws up. I'd rather use a lender who can get my loan closed on time versus one who will give the seller a bunch of money when they can't deliver.
- No closing costs! This is an oldie but goodie. You've probably heard that interest rates change every day. It's not actually the interest rates that change. It's the cost of getting a particular interest rate.
Let's assume that today you could get a 5.0% interest rate with no points. Tomorrow the same interest rate might cost 0.25% (of your loan amount). Or 1.0%.
It also works in the opposite direction. Instead of paying extra to get a lower rate, you could receive a lender credit for choosing a higher rate. When you see lenders offering "no cost" mortgages, that is how they do it. They charge a higher interest rate and use the credit to pay your closing costs.
- Tacos at an open house. OK, I have to admit. I would totally go to an open house if they were serving tacos.

The moral of the story? Don't base your borrowing decisions on a couple slices of pizza and a gift card! Buying a home is probably one of the largest investments you'll ever make. Choose a lender based on the complete picture of interest rates, closing costs, customer service, professionalism and principle.