When I tell tourists I live in Port Townsend, they often reply with, "you are so lucky!"
My standard response: "It doesn't have anything to do with luck. I made a decision to move here. And you could too."
We all have our reasons for moving to or staying on the Olympic Peninsula.
This is what you won't find here:
- Traffic. It takes me six minutes to drive to work. The speed limit is 20 mph the entire way.
- Diverse restaurant choices (sadly). We have three Thai restaurants, six Mexican restaurants, and approximately 4,379 places for pizza or salmon (or salmon pizza, if you're so inclined).
- Extreme weather. In fact, we're weather woosies. When the thermometer needle hovers anywhere near 80 degrees, we turn into the biggest bunch of whiny little girls that you have ever seen.
- Plastic bags. The City of Port Townsend banned them.
- Serious crime.
Here's what you will find:
- Little tiny kids who walk to the store by themselves because the entire community is watching them.
- An espresso stand who puts your coffee on a tab when you forget your wallet. "Just pay tomorrow," they say.
- Mighty bites.
- Neighbors helping neighbors.
- Wildlife.
You'll also find amazing people here who are ready to help you!
Need a job? Check the classified ads of the Port Townsend Leader and the Peninsula Daily News. Visit the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce's job postings.
Investigate opportunities with the area's largest employers like the hospital, the city, the county, the mill, and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard.
Speaking of the Chamber of Commerce... If you're interested in working for yourself or someone else, you won't find a more diverse, active group of business professionals on the Peninsula. The Chamber can help you advertise, collaborate, and network your way to success!
Interested in going your own way? The business planning class at the Economic Development Council (EDC/Team Jefferson) is top notch. And the Small Business Development Center can advise you on management, operation, and expansion of your business.
Start something new! Study everything from nursing to welding at Peninsula College. Master creative writing, traditional carpentry, or photography at Fort Worden. Become a master gardener with Washington State University's Jefferson County Extension. Or check out the degree programs and workshops available at the world-renowned Northwest School of Wooden Boatbuilding.
Remember, you don't have to earn as much money as you do in the big city. It doesn't cost as much to live here.

Speaking of real estate... Access to USDA financing and down payment assistance programs make home ownership possible in Jefferson County. Rentals can be found through local property managers and real estate companies.
So sidle up to the bar. Or the bar. Or the bar. Or the bar. Or the bar. And get to know a local. We'll be happy to tell you how we did it!